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Plato's Cave (2016)

People live in the information era, in which the news exists everywhere just like the air surround us. People sometimes have illusion that they are quite close to the events themselves. In fact, news is the narrative of events. So it cannot reflect the fact absolutely objectively. News is quite like the reflection in water, which reflects the real world but easily changed. Artist's work Plato’s Cave was displayed on his MA final show. There are some paper bottles are hung in a bright space (300X250X250 cm), in which the floor, the roof and all walls are decorated by newsprints and mirrors. Plato’s Cave is a kind of metaphor which implicitly shows that the relationship between the virtual news world and people.

人们生活在这个信息铺天盖地的时代。通过新闻,人们可以了解到很多事情,但是信息本身是否是事件的真实写照呢?事实上,新闻是一门语言的艺术,在传播过程中会出现太多太多的可能性。如果事件是真实世界面貌的话那么新闻或许就是水中的倒影,看似真实却经不起风浪。柏拉图的洞穴是作者纯艺专业研究生毕业作品。作者建立了一个观者可以进入的空间(300x250x250 cm),墙面与棚顶都是由新闻报纸和柔软的镜面材料所装饰而成。整个空间中悬挂了许多报纸制作的瓶子。以“柏拉图的洞穴”为题目则是对人与新闻生活之间关系的一种隐喻。


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